Who we are
Next Office is a human resource company that specializes in offshore staffing solutions for Australian small and medium enterprises.
What we do
Next Office is not only a one stop staff solution, but it is also providing our employees in the Philippines with excellent employment prospects so that they may have a better quality of life.
Why Us
Next Office allows small and medium enterprises to compete with larger companies by enabling access to the savings of outsourced staff and therefore improving your business’ bottom line and efficiency.
Our Difference
Unlike the outsourcing of major corporations that take jobs out of Australia, Next Office aims to create more jobs in Australia.
History of Next Office
Next office is a BPO service company founded by Greg Youngberry and Joshua Hay. They are currently the managing directors of the company which has been in existence since 2009. The company is actually the brain child of Greg who has 14 years of experience in the IT industry, owning and operating a computer sales and service store. Greg’s experience in the IT industry made him very aware of multi-national competitors who had access to offshore employees. In India, for example, the average wage is approximately $2,000 Australian per year ($1 per hour). Greg found that as a local business owner it was very difficult to compete with these larger entities when his average cost was approximately $19/hour. After selling his business Greg decided to pursue an endeavour that would close the accessibility gap that had previously prevented small and medium Australian businesses from effectively utilizing offshore workforce solutions. Greg is also proud to provide excellent professional opportunities and remuneration to our hardworking Filipino employees.
Our aim is to assist small and medium enterprises to compete with larger organizations by reducing the cost of their wages, whilst at the same time delivering fair and well above award wages to our Filipino workers.
To be recognized not only as a service oriented business but also an avenue for people to find opportunities with their with their own capabilities.
Well done is better than well said.
- Benjamin Franklin
Services Offered:
At Next Office, we make your small business more efficient by providing wide range of services in Technical Support, Financial and Accounting, Human Resource Management, Back Office Support, Customer relationship management, Web services and more. We provide these services according to your needs, whether for full time or for part time. With that flexibility on our part, we allow our clients to be more cost efficient - making them pay only enough of what they need.
Technical Support
Financial and Accounting
Human Resource Management
Back Office Support
Customer Relationship Management
Web Solutions
Next Office is committed to putting first our employees and their families. Filipinos are a very family oriented people, hence, we want to make sure that we live up to our mission and that we can make a difference in the lives of the families that we are taking part of.
Why Philippines and why Filipino staff? Filipino culture has a very strong western influence, due to the location of two significant US army bases for many years after the end of the Second World War. Currently, Philippines is considered as one of the top English speaking nations in the world. Schooling is basically instructed in English from kindergarten to tertiary levels. Therefore, mastery of English language is very high. There are also more than 385,000 university graduates every year, providing biggest potential of skilled workforce in the country. The sad thing for the country is that, there is only 65% employment rate for these university graduates. However, with the sheer size of the labor market, Next Office is then able to source out the highest possible quality of applicants for your company. Successful applicants are also rewarded with a wage that far exceeds the minimum awards dictated by the 30 year old labor code; because apart from providing high quality service to Australian companies, we also want to be a catalyst for change that supports advancement in career and standard of living of most Filipinos.
We encourage your company to:
- Fully involve and induct your Next Office staff member as you would any employee starting with you in Australia
- Provide corporate branded shirts for your employee to work in
- Include your employee in any annual or monthly bonus scheme (may be given to them over the year – depending on amount)
- Make an effort to get to know your employee and help them feel part of the team and your business
- If you want to include provisions to move the employee to Australia after 3 or more years of service to your company through Next Office we will accommodate that under the 857 visa (at your cost)
- Provide these paid days off: 6 days paid holidays (at your approval), 6 days sick leave, 13 public holidays.
Our business is our people. We invest on our people and we make sure to source out the highest possible quality of applicants that will help us in meeting the needs of our clients. It is also our pride and joy to have created an avenue for our employees where they could stand out and build a career.
Why work for us:
- We provide above standard compensation package.
- We encourage and allow promotion and career development.
- There is a possibility of being relocated to Australia.
- Provide a professional, safe and pleasant working environment, complete with medical bay and air-conditioning.
- You are entitled to 2 weeks paid holidays a year, 6 public holidays and 6 days sick leave.
- You have the opportunity to gain experience in the Australian business environment, as a part of a team.
- You are encouraged to discuss with your employer the possibility of paid business trips to Australia to facilitate learning and development.
- The skills you acquire working for Australian companies make you a competitive employee in the global labor market.
- The opportunity to self manage work tasks delegated by the client.
- You are working for a specific Australian business in most cases, employed for specific duties.